Thursday 27 October 2011

Righty-o. Today I've been working on some more concept art for Joe's project which is now known as "The Izmarians and the Forge of Light". For now i think Joe wants to keep the content of the film a surprise so i dont think i could show the storyboard we worked on today but i can show you this. The picture above is depicting an angel, pretty standard. He has two wings (for now) and a hooded cape for that extra dose of mystery, he also holds various rosaries which i think he draws strength from, and behind him, the most kick ass halo I've ever seen an angel flaunting.

Sunday 23 October 2011

Just a quick post to show a photoshop drawing i've just finished for that film im working on.
Well now, since the environment project is sort-of over with i can start posting some pre-production for the major project. This one in particular is a concept for a character in a film that i'll be working on this year. (i do have some more concept work but it's less developed than this piece and i wanted to jump right in on this one). Anyway, I'm rather excited about this film. if we can pull it off it's going to look epic, and i mean that in the true sense of the word.

 Right. It's the night before hand in and I have to say im pretty happy with how it's looking at the moment. The conference room has got some new light fittings (purely for decoration, they dont actually emit light at the moment) and I've also added an area light to make it look like the projector is up and running. I do love the shadows cast out by it and i think that room is pretty set, though it could use a couple little items to fill out the table if i have time. The kitchen is looking pretty standard, I've added some plain plastic style chairs for the table and a kettle and toaster to the counter-top. Making it look a bit more realistic with some cluttered plates and cups on the sideboard, and a backlight for the counter-top just for that added visibility. The reception area is looking pretty polished as well at the moment. with a nice art-deco style lamp in the corner to brighten the room and add some extra shadows for definition. Overall im pretty happy with how this is looking. Anything extra at this point would either go unnoticed or be purely decorational which i dont think i have time for. But if i find an extra hour or so towards the end of the deadline tomorrow i will add some bits in and hope for the best.

Thursday 20 October 2011

 Today, I've been working through the lighting as well as adding some more little bits and bobs about the place. I've added some clipboards and pictures in the cubicles, and a toaster and a kettle in the kitchen. I will be adding more in the next few days but it'll only be cosmetic details as everything i want "set in stone" is in the scene. With the lighting i've decided to turn all the PC's on, to give the room that bit more localised lighting and make it look a little eerier. I've also gotten rid of the daylight systemy thing and have put in various square ceiling lights with a slight yellow tinge to add a grimey tone to the scene. Over the whole scene i am looking to create a feel of "I've just pulled an all nighter in the office and now i think there may be an axe weilding maniac round the corner."

Monday 17 October 2011

Ok. So I've been working today. i built a conference room which has filled that empty space in my office i was worried about. Which is good. Also i put a couple of props in there, some chairs, I changed the cubicle chairs a bit, made them taller and gave them armrests to signify that they are a little more expensive which suits the room and the "fat cats" aould be meeting in there. I've put a projector screen (lacking the projector at the moment) and an easel for presentation purposes. I've also put a little white carpet in the corridor, just to make it look a little less empty and finally I've added a corkboard to one of the cubicle walls, with a child's drawing (aquired through google but i may change it to a creation of my own soon) and a photo or two... so far so good. Had a tutorial this morning before making these changes and it all seemed to go well. He liked it. When/If i finish this week it'll hopefully have a lot more clutter....

Saturday 15 October 2011

It's coming together now, i've added some detail to the ceiling although it looks a little distracting so i might make it a little less noticable or just redo it altogether. I've added a few little details just to tie the room together like a pen holder on the desk and some magazines on the table, as well as a few little planty things about the waiting room. it's looking pretty smart now so all i have to do is fix the ceiling and i can move on to start doing the conference room. Really have to get that desk and chairs build so i can look at the build as a whole and see where everything is going. Anyway thats enough of an update for now. i'll post again when i've done some more later.

Friday 14 October 2011

Thought I'd do a little birds-eye view render so you can get an idea of what I'm actually building, you can see all the rooms previously mentioned plus and extra empty room (the conference room) which will contain a long table and multiple leather chairs, this is where the "big wigs" have their meetings and such. there will be a projector on the table with a screen on the right end of the room covering the glass wall which looks into the kitchen. there's also a little area between the cubicles and the waiting room. I'm thinking of blocking this off with a closed bathroom door, save me modelling a bathroom and then i wont have this random block of empty space. Also im thinking just so i can put a little extra unwrapping in there i'll put a fax machine in the bottom right corner near the cubicles. as what office would be complete without an outdated massive piece of obsolete machinery, also im thinking i'll put a water cooler between the top cubicle and the kitchen.

Working on the new environment project, im liking the progress so far, although there's still a lot more to do. So far I've made a small cubicle, a reception/waiting room, and a small kitchenette. At the moment I'm just putting materials on the props as i make them, seeing what i can get away with and what i'll have to unwrap. A lot of things in my environment i can get away with leaving flat textures on, although there are a few things i'll need to look into. I'm going to have to research more into opacity mapping as quite a few things in my environment need it; leaves, frosted glass designs on the walls and maybe some other things i haven't thought of yet, but other than the obvious lack of unwrapping and bump maps at the moment im feeling pretty confident on the matter. I'm hoping to finish the modelling this weekend so i can spend next week solely looking at improving the materials and adding extra effects, as well as rendering and lighting, although the basic mental ray lighting does look immensely capable and fits exactly the look i wanted to portray so i may just keep it like it is. Anyway, im starting to ramble so i'll just leave this be for now. back to work i go.

Tuesday 4 October 2011

I'm Back!

hello people,

looks like it's time to start 3rd year. prepare for updates and whatnot.